This week we've had unprecedented flooding in South West Queensland and the capital city, Brisbane. While I'm sure you've seen the news, the photo's and heard some of the stories, here's just one more for you. This is the end of my sisters street. Her house is three away from the corner this lady's on. You can see at the end of the street one house is fully submerged up to the eaves. One the day of the flooding, my sister had many of the streets children over to her house, while neighbors pitched in and helped each other.
I dont have pictures from my other sister yet, however, her street was unaffected, so with she and her family went down to the streets nearby that were affected and helped lift things to higher ground. As one stage my sister reported a good Samaritan offering people transport on his jet ski to lift things to higher ground. She accepted the ride to offer assistance to a friend from church on the other side of the flowing water.
I'm grateful that my family were safe, and proud that they got out to help - like so many others in the area. We're once again reminded of the awesome power of nature, and the fleeting nature of the things of this world. We've been reminded, here in Australia, that people matter - not things.
While we have a reported 15 people dead here in Queensland's floods, and possibly more as the recovery occurs, I am so very conscious that Sri Lanka and the Philippines are also recovering from flooding - with 5,000 reported dead in Sri Lanka. consider offering up a thought, prayer or make a donation to one of the many natural disasters occurring around our globe this week.
I dont have pictures from my other sister yet, however, her street was unaffected, so with she and her family went down to the streets nearby that were affected and helped lift things to higher ground. As one stage my sister reported a good Samaritan offering people transport on his jet ski to lift things to higher ground. She accepted the ride to offer assistance to a friend from church on the other side of the flowing water.
I'm grateful that my family were safe, and proud that they got out to help - like so many others in the area. We're once again reminded of the awesome power of nature, and the fleeting nature of the things of this world. We've been reminded, here in Australia, that people matter - not things.
While we have a reported 15 people dead here in Queensland's floods, and possibly more as the recovery occurs, I am so very conscious that Sri Lanka and the Philippines are also recovering from flooding - with 5,000 reported dead in Sri Lanka. consider offering up a thought, prayer or make a donation to one of the many natural disasters occurring around our globe this week.
It has just been so tragic to watch and hear about - I'm so glad your sisters and their families are ok. There was a great article from Tim Costello in the SMH this week about the need for Australian's continue to be generous in relation to aid for overseas countries as well as our own.
Tamara,I follow the news with great interest as I am an expert in the field of flooding. I achieved the master of flood risk management just this week and hope for the future to get a job in a suitable organization and help preventing damage to people from flooding. I am glad everybody in your family is doing so well.
I still can't believe the video that I've seen - please be safe, and I'm glad to hear that everyone is okay. Will be thinking of you all.
Sending you wishes and hopes that this tragedy ends soon. I'm so very grateful your family is still all right, but what devastation. Your heart must pound with every day.
Hearts go out to you.
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