I find it disturbing that (particular in Australia) there isn't a stronger focus on ethical clothing and fashion. I am someone prepared to pay for the product I want - as tempting as a $4 tee shirt is, I cant see that the people who made it would appreciate my bargain buying. At the moment I can buy ethical clothing at some markets (which I would have to travel to because there aren't too many options near me), at a few select retailers, and at present, not too many online retailers.
I am still researching, and hope to publish my findings here soon. However, this is what I've found so far:
Office Fashion
- Cue Clothing (one brand I regularly support) is a signatory of the Textile Clothing, Footwear Union of Australia which mandates ethical practices.
- Veronica Maine (also one of my favourites) is a subsidiary of Cue.
- ALAS - All Light All Shadow
- we.ar.it - Yoga
Informative blogs
- Ethical Fashion Forum
- Ethical Fashion Bloggers
- Thelma Magazine
- Sustainable Business Blog (UK)
- Shirahime
- OEcotextiles