
Monday, July 26, 2021

Paris in July - Week 5 - final week


We've reach the final station on our Paris in July 2021 journey. One last week, or half a week... But who says it all has to stop here.. there's always more books, films, recipes, artists and memories to review and share. 

In the past week we've been through a few stations along the metro of Paris - we went to the Cafe du Dome, walking through the flea markets in the streets of Paris, we stopped for a French dinner out of the camper and of course, the mandatory visit to Shakespeare and Co. We've also learned more about Anais Ninn, what French books you can read in one sitting, and the Wondrous Words: Coup de Foudre, or special moments that feel like a lightening strike. I have to thank Mel U and NancyElin for their prolific reading and reviews of French literature, and books about Paris and France. 

So here we are, almost at the end of the line, and we all have that sinking feeling - it cant be over yet. But yes, Paris in July is about celebrating all things Paris and French during July. I know myself, I had hoped to do a few more posts before the end of the month, but I may be continuing into August, and maybe even a return to Paris later in the year to wind up the trip... 

My quote this week comes from a large book I have in my library (now known as the home home office) which I flick through from time to time - French Essence: Ambience, Beauty and Style in Provence by Vicki Archer. 

There is a certain something about the French and the style in which they live that creates a unique ambience. Their success lies in the inherent ability to blend all the senses, which makes for a life that is filled with emotion and a life in which the sense are forever stimulated. Ambiance permeates every aspect of French life, whether it be in private spaces or public places. 

My little ambiance in my desk.... 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Paris in July - Film review


As you may have noticed in my interview with Karen (here), I believe there are those who love the dream of Paris, and those who know and love real Paris - and in particular about the people we never think of in our romantic visions of the beautiful city. Earlier this year I had the chance to see a couple of movies during  the Alliance Francais French Film festival. This movie was a stand out for me. I loved it. 

Hors Normes or The Extraordinary - ( or in other parts of the world I think its called The Specials ). It was made by the same directors who made the totally awesome movie, The Untouchables. 

The story is based on a true story. For twenty years, Bruno and Malik have lived in a different world—the world of autistic children and teens. In charge of two separate non-profit organizations (The Hatch & The Shelter), they train young people from underprivileged areas to be caregivers for extreme cases that have been refused by all other institutions. It’s an exceptional partnership, outside of traditional settings, for some quite extraordinary characters. [ref:]

Why this movie touched me? my cousin is profoundly autistic, and is lucky to live in a country where our social welfare system supports those who need care. Our taxpayers expect the system to care for these people. But this movie shows the reality facing families and communities with the extraordinary struggle of caring people people who need extra help... and the extra ordinary people who provide that care even when the system doesn't.... 

For Paris in July, I have been looking to a charity in Paris that I could donate to .. and in my searching I found these in-depth analysis of the history of support and advocacy for people living with disabilities in France. The disadvantaged in any society are disadvantaged by our mainstream focus on 'normal'...  I'm happy to be stretched beyond the normal. 

And here's some ideas of charities to support if you are so include

Monday, July 19, 2021

Paris in July - week 4 (but not the last)

 Nearly 20 days into July and how excitingly diverse has this journey been? I'm loving it, and I'm hearing from many that it's been a great joy. In the past week, we have been enlightened by posts about classic literature, films, images from Paris now, and memories of Paris past. We seen recipes, reviews of novels, essays, posts about the authors themselves , and more of Maigret! and of course, it was Bastille Day. 

For me, the highlight this week was spending time with Karen, my fellow co founder of Paris in July, and being reminded of why this idea even got started. So here's a quote I found to reflect on this week, and our shared passion to spend time in Paris in July each year together....

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.”   ― Goethe

Here's to another week! 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Paris in July - Le Petit Prince encore

Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) pictured on a French stamp, circa 1998.

© catwalker/

Antoine Saint-Exupery is probably not as well known as his novella 'Le Petit Prince'. So after the stage production I took my sister to see (post), she was distraught not knowing what happened to the little prince. I reassured her that the little prince was a fable that reflected the authors experience - and after the author, a pilot who crash landed in the dessert, was saved - he was returned to his love and his passion for flying. But.... what I told my sister was based loosely on what I had heard before. I decided to go and look, to see what actually happened to Saint-Exupery.  

So, a reminder.... 

The Novella: 

  • a fable and modern classic by French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that was published with his own illustrations in French as Le Petit Prince in 1943
  • it's a simple story of a child who travels the universe, visiting planets, in the pursuit of wisdom and finding is place and meaning in life. 
  • its narrated by a pilot who has landed in the desert, and this where he meets the boy - the little prince
  •  the narrator and the little prince spend 8 days in the desert. After find water, the little prince plans to return to his planet. He tells the narrator that when he looks to the stars he will know the little prince is home. 

What about the Author:  (I've done a little online research) 

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was born in Lyons on June 29, 1900
  • He flew for the first time at the age of twelve, at the Ambérieu airfield, and it was then that he became determined to be a pilot.
  • becoming an accomplished aviator, flying for many years as a commercial pilot, pioneering airmail routes throughout Europe, Africa and South America. 
  • When war broke out in 1939, he joined the French Air Force and flew reconnaissance missions until France’s coercive armistice with Germany in 1940. reference  
  • Saint-Ex had an undeniable passion for flying, but he also had a reputation as an undisciplined pilot who read books while flying and had little patience for aircraft complexities.
  • Antoine met and married the spirited and twice-widowed Salvadoran writer and artist Consuelo Suncin. Their relationship was tempestuous and they left each other and reconnected many times, but they remained married and shortly before his death he said his only regret in dying would be to make Consuelo cry. 
  • Consuelo became the inspiration for the character of the Rose in The Little Prince. Consuelo is often considered Antoine’s muse.
  • Early in 1923 he crashed his airplane and suffered a skull fracture. Undeterred, he began a career as a mail pilot, flying all over western Europe and North Africa. 
  • His love for the desert and the people who lived there led Saint-Exupéry to become director of an airfield in the western Sahara.
  • His greatest adventure, though, came in 1935 when he attempted a flight from Paris to Saigon  in bid to beat the airspeed record for that distance. His aircraft, crashed in the Sahara after 20 hours of flight. ..... After four days they were nearly dead, until a desert tribesman rescued them. reference  
  • When World War II erupted, he became a military reconnaissance pilot until the German occupation forced him to flee France. Relocating to New York City, he lobbied the U.S. government to intervene in the conflict. Reference.
  •  in 1943 Saint-Exupéry returned to France and rejoined his squadron, insisting on flying despite his age and infirmities.
  • At the age of 43, On July 31, 1944, in preparation for the impending Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of southern France, Saint-Exupéry took off from an airfield on the island of Corsica to take reconnaissance photographs in the area of Grenoble, France. He never returned. Eight days later Saint-Exupéry was officially declared missing in action, presumed shot down by the enemy. Exactly what happened remains a mystery.
  • Saint-Exupéry’s mysterious disappearance made international news and was the cause of much speculation until 2000, when a scuba diver exploring the Mediterranean Sea near Marseille discovered the wreckage of a plane that was later raised and identified as Saint-Exupéry’s.
  • Just as the Little Prince adored his rose, the world adored Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The many years and significant effort put into unlocking the truth about his disappearance is testament to that. No matter what happened that day, his legacy will always be one of honor and inspiration.

Concluding Quotes

Doesn't this says alot about a man with his own skeletons and reflections.........

What if, when he was ensconced in Silvia Hamilton-Reinhardt’s living room to write and draw, he “chuckled with pleasure” because he had finally found himself again, because he was finally overcoming his exile—his self-exile—because he was finally reunited with his “beginnings,” his childhood? “And so, I seem to have come to the end of a long pilgrimage. I have discovered nothing, but as though waking from sleep, I simply see again what I was no longer looking at,” he wrote in Flight to Arras. And what if the “teachings” of The Little Prince were to be found here: in this reunion, this rediscovery of a childhood that everyone vaguely yearns for, to put their scattered days back together again and experience their life’s meaning, to become who they truly are?:  (Ref )

This is an insightful quote into what a legacy he left his family...........

Hoping to keep the man’s status as a revered war hero of almost mythical proportions, the surviving Saint-Exupéry family opposed efforts to investigate the source of a landing gear found by scuba diver Luc Vanrell in May 2000. Major pieces of Saint-Exupéry’s downed aircraft, a P-38, was found and brought to the ocean’s surface in 2003. A serial number confirmed this craft belonged to Antoine Saint-Exupéry, though the lack of bullet holes and combat damage keep the aviator author’s true fate hidden behind a shroud of secrecy. (ref)

What ever you think about this Larrikin,
he is legacy is what ever you find in Le Petit Prince 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Paris in July - Special Interview

Karen's image from her blog, but also a happy memory! 

This week I had the pleasure of having lunch with my long time friend and co founder of Paris in July, Karen. Some of you may remember Karen at BookBath. While Karen's online presence changed directions a few years ago, she has stayed very engaged with our annual Paris in July event. Karen agreed to join this year, through this interview. I had fun posing the questions, I hope you enjoy our conversation. 

T: 10 years ago you and I dreamed up Paris in July, do you remember why? 

K: I remember we were both quite involved in our blogs then – we were loving the sense of community and connection we were having in that sphere and I think we wanted to try out adding our own burst of creativity and engagement!

T: in fact, Karen was a more experience blogger, and I was seeking her help to learn blogging. I'm so pleased we got together around our love of Paris. And Karen was very right in recalling our desire for that sense of community, which we did find here. 

T: have you read any books based in Paris, or written by a french author, or about French things since the start of the Pandemic? and if so, what? 

K: I have actually felt like a little bit of a traitor to the Parisian cause over the past 18 months or so as I have been fixated so much more on Italy – a country I love and can’t wait to visit for the first time – due to my 8 year old daughter’s obsession with this country because her name originates from there! 

However, Instagram is still a huge source of Paris love for me. Accounts such as @aparisianmoment and @prettylilttleparis are places of escape and dreaming for me.  I have also watched the French drama The Bureau The Bureau | Drama | SBS On Demand and have been completed taken in by it – I hope there is going to be another season!

T: have you watched any French series on netflix in the past few years? 

K: I’m planning to watch The Parisian Agency  – drooling over luxe property that I will never be able to afford is a fun pastime! The Parisian Agency: Exclusive Properties | Netflix Official Site


T: When were you last in the real Paris and what memories have you shared with your daughter about that trip? and why? 

K: I’ve only been lucky enough to travel to Paris once (so far!) and I have the most special memories of my 3 precious days there. I was there in 2009 with my partner and my parents as part of a whirlwind trip we were doing to introduce my parents to the joys of overseas travel! I still remember driving into the city from the airport and just feeling complete awe and joy seeing the architecture, history and people appear before my eyes. It was love at first sight! My daughter is fascinated with other countries and cultures and loves hearing our travel stories. She is most impressed that we have had dinner in the Eiffel Tower 😊

T: Coco Chanel once said "The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud..". What does this mean to you? and why did Coco say this?

K: Oh I love this quote! To me this quote is all about living and speaking your truth and joy – whatever that might be! I feel it is about being true to yourself and to (try) and not be afraid of sharing that truth with the wider world and those close to you. I think it is pure Coco Chanel if you think about the trailblazing path she took in terms of her career and life…

T: Georges Benjamin Clemenceau was a French politician, journalist, and physician. He served as Prime Minister of France during the First World War. He was one of the main architects of the 'Treaty of Versailles' at the 'Paris Peace Conference' after the First World War. Clemenceau adopted a very harsh stance against the vanquished Germany, and was able to force Germany for large sums for reparations. He is quoted as saying Liberty is the right to discipline ourselves in order not to be disciplined by others. 

Knowing that you enjoy reading about contemporary politics, I was wondering what you think of this quote.  

K: Wow! We are heading into some serious territory here!! I haven’t actually heard that quote from Clemenceau before but it is quite interesting reading it in the context of his known attitudes towards Germany after WW1 – he obviously didn’t feel that Germany had the right to liberty in that context! I feel that, unfortunately, there would be a lot of modern day politicians and parties who would agree with this quote – it feels to me as though it goes to the heart of a lot of the isolationist, self-involved, small minded politics that dominates most of the western world at the moment.  The sense that we will do whatever we want – we will judge our actions and decisions and no outside force will be allowed to question that.

T: I know you love Monet - did you know he said this - “the more I live, the more I regret how little i know” ― Claude monet.... what does this say to you? 

K: Another quote that I hadn’t heard of before – you are finding some great ones! It feels very “Monet” to me – a man who kept looking for more in terms of his work and his art – I don’t think he was ever going to be satisfied! I can kind of relate though – as I’m getting older I just keep finding more and more areas I would love to spend time learning about and engaging with but the realities of everyday life can get in the way!

T: Monet also said this - “It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly.”  any thoughts on this? 

K: I love this!! To me it speaks to the need for self-reflection in order to be able to grow and flourish. I’m a true social worker when it comes to constant self-reflection! Although – I do think we need to be able to balance this introspection with “just” living at times too…

T: did you read any French books when you were little? or did you read French stories to your daughter?  which ones? 

K: I honestly can’t remember reading any French books at all when I was little but Pia has had so many that she has loved and that we have read over and over again. Some adored favourites are:

Kiki & Coco in Paris | Thames & Hudson Australia & New Zealand (

A Walk in Paris - Books - Welcome to Walker Books Australia

ARMADILLO IN PARIS, AN | Brumby Sunstate

Pom Pom, Where are You? by Natalie Jane Prior (9780670075768) | Boomerang Books


T: there appear to me, two types of participants in Paris in July, those romantics who dream of Paris and all it might offer, and then there's those who know the real Paris. Which are you? and tell me a little more about what Paris means...

K: I am the complete romantic when it comes to Paris! I obviously haven’t lived there or engaged with the city in any lengthy, real way so it is a city and culture that mainly lives in my imagination and my heart. Paris represents beauty and creativity to me – things that I don’t always prioritise in my day-to-day, suburban Australian life – but which I would dearly love to!

Thank you so much for the chat Karen, I love your answers and to see that Paris still draws you in. I hope we get back there one day soon.. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Paris in July - Week 3 (already!)

Dear friends, I', overwhelmed with your passion and engagement with this Paris in July event. I honestly didn't think that there'd be many people left in blogging land to keep this show on the road - but WOW!! so much activity going on.... so much so  that I don't feel I've paid due diligence as a host to get around and visit you all. I will try and get around a bit more this week... 

Of the few blogs I did pop over to visit, I wanted to call out Mae's special post - in response to my friend Megan's guest entry. Mae shared a post from previous years, about The Existentialist Café - a book that I have and I read sections from time to time - but Mae's review was a great little read in itself - Highly recommend it if you haven't got over there yet. 

NancyElin has continued to devour classic literature, and if you're like me, and likely to never ready these plays or novels - Nancy's reviews a a good level of detail and intrigue. 

For something a little different - visit Stacy's Books as she blogged a combo style post - on books, cemeteries and puzzles - all Paris based :) 

Kwakito is really testing my french language skills, but I'm really loving those simple photo's from Paris.. 

As for week 3 - I hope to post a reading review, a Tour de France review, and maybe even another Guest Post!  
For now - here's a quote to inspire your thoughts from Julian Barnes
“It took me some years to clear my head of what Paris wanted me to admire about it, and to notice what I preferred instead. Not power-ridden monuments, but individual buildings which tell a quieter story: the artist’s studio, or the Belle Epoque house built by a forgotten financier for a just-remembered courtesan.”

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Paris in July - Le Petit Prince

A well known and much loved children's story. 

It can not be assumed that everyone who loves Paris and all things French knows and loves Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and his novella 'Le Petit Prince'...... but for those of us who do love the story, you would've loved this as much as I did. 
Direct from a sell-out season in Paris, comes one of the world’s most loved stories transformed into an extraordinary live event.
I heard about this production by happenstance, and without hesitation I bought tickets for the Sydney Opera House. I live more than 2 hours form Sydney, but from time to time it's worth heading in to see the theatre at the Opera House, and this was well worth it. I took my sister too - but she'd never read the story or didn't know the history. So then I was inspired to do a little refresh on my history and share it here. 

“What is essential is invisible to the eye, It is only with the heart that one can truly see”

Apparently, The Little Prince remains the second most translated and one of the best sold books in the world. And, now, a stage production very well worth getting to see. It was a beautiful production, poetic and as mysterious as the novella. While the Little Prince was clearly the star of the show, the Rose (the beautiful dancer in red above) was just so stunning, and the narrator, with her genuine French accent, as thoroughly engaging and gorgeous. 

Oh my, it was truly breath-taking, and a contemporary adaptation of the classic 1945 French novella  and a stunning spectacular of circus, dance, aerial acrobatics and ground-breaking video mapping technology. Digital light displays depicted travelling through space and strange new plants. 

Another reviewer stated: The highly immersive, grand-scale performance, based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s much loved 1943 children’s book, brings to life the cosmic world of an aviator lost in the desert who meets the Little Prince on his journey from one planet to another in search of a sheep. An omnipresent narrator accompanies the Little Prince as he meets many magnificent characters who communicate harmoniously through dance, gesture and movement. 

Inspired by my evening out at the theatre, and the questions my sister and her family asked about the story, I have done some further research about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and his flying history, which I will post next week. But for now, I'll leave you with this little clip I found.... 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Paris in July - Guest Post - From Megan

Laduree Paris

My friend Megan has been a long time supporter and encourager of me and my blog, and, although she would be quite humble about it, she inspires me to try cooking things I wouldn't normally consider. Megan is a brilliant cook, and my peer in gardening, and she's a dab hand at home handyman building. Here's her thoughtful contribution for Paris in July 2021. 

Hi Tamara, 

I haven’t really travelled and certainly not to Paris, but still said yes to writing a post for the annual Paris in July musings. Now that I’m turning pen to paper so to speak, I wonder what on earth I have to say that might be even a little interesting. It’s proving to be a somewhat scary exercise.

I suspect if I ever did actually travel to Paris it would happen in a similar way… a simple question “want to come?” answered with a “yes”. Then I’d do just what I’ve done now, I’d go researching. In the past few weeks  watched Paris , pulled out some of my philosophy books and reacquainted myself with a French philosopher or two and done some pondering here and there.

My pondering has me thinking I’m a intellectual snob. If I imagine myself in Paris it is sitting in cafes listening to philosophical conversations about what is real and important in life. I’d only ever listen as everyone else would be more erudite and I’d be too frightened to say anything. I thought it would be wonderful and an experience I could never have elsewhere. 

Yet when I watched Paris, the university professor who had so much knowledge of Paris and its architectural heritage was a boor. He appeared just to be showing off, so that everyone would know that he just “knew”.  I didn’t like him much. He only seemed to come alive when dancing to music with his student lover.

So while I’m not likely to go searching for a young lover if I get to Paris, I think I will do much less meaning-seeking in cafes and much more laughter seeking over a glass of wine and a dance.


And Megan, I would indeed invite you to join me one day... and you will love some of the things you'll find. Without a doubt, knowing you're love of fine chocolate desserts, I would want to take you here.... one of the most iconic places to go to for a treats ... 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Paris in July - Week 2


I think Paris smells not just sweet but melancholy and curious, sometimes sad but always enticing and seductive. She’s a city for the all senses, for artists and writers and musicians and dreamers, for fantasies, for long walks and wine and lovers and, yes, for mysteries.
M. J. Rose

I wanted to briefly reflect on what as a very short week 1 in Paris in July 2021, and to launch into week 2. Thank you to everyone who has already started posting - and such a diverse collection, again. 

 Mae, who has taken the time to comment on most other peoples posts, posted herself about real Paris Kitchens, and dream kitchens. I myself recall being surprised and amazed at how small and condensed the Paris Kitchens are. Mae, notably commented on my own post about the 'Paris Syndrome' with her thoughts about the 2 cities of Paris - the real one, and the other.... 

Jeanie shared about a series of mystery stories set in Paris - but also took the chance to share her own memories of walking those streets - doesn't it bring a story alive if you've been there before? 

Mel U - has jumped in a posted a few book reviews - but in particular, I wanted to acknowledge Mel U's Paris in July Badge (button) - it's so cute! 

NacyElin is in with a few more serious reviews - diving in deep with Honore Balzac, Playwright Eugene Labiche and a Zola! 

And I cant not comment on Stay's opening post for the month - she built the Tour Eifel out of her TBR pile!

And while many of us are reading, dreaming and viewing stories about Paris - I'm just so delighted to say we will get a window into the real Paris in the moment through our Parisienne friend, Kwarkito.... you must check out those posts! 

So, here we go - Week 2 commences. As MJ Rose has said (above) - may you find the joy and mystery of the smell of Paris this week!

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Book: Paris Sydnrome

As I was getting in the mood for Paris in July, I wanted a light, easy and fun read.. and I found it! Written by an Australian author, Lisa Walker, Paris Syndrome is a fun, quirky and delightfully filled with lots of references to the things we all love about Paris. 

One of my favourite movies of all time is Sabrina, with Audrey Hepburn playing the Chauffeurs daughter . The premise of the movie is based on the myth that we all hope is true, that when in Paris, you will find your true self, you'll find true love, and you'll be blissfully happy..... 

Have you heard about the Paris syndrome before? its a phenomenon that rose to popular commentary about 10 years ago I think. "Paris Syndrome is a psychological condition experienced almost exclusively by Japanese tourists who are disappointed when the city of lights does not live up to their romantic expectations." (ref

This novel, Paris Syndrome, set in Brisbane, Australia, is a story of a young women with an obsession of all things Paris, and with travelling to Paris when she's old enough to with her best friend. However, this story is not not your typical young adult love story. There are as many twists in the plot as there are on the Seine... 

One of the quotes I found..... highlighting the infusion of a Paris obsession with the high emotions of young love.... 
Once on board I calm down. I sit out the front of the ferry and my mind roams. Here I am on my way to meet a handsome Frenchman at a French food festival . . . A gentle accordion plays in the background. My hair has transformed into an elfin bob and a playful breeze lifts the skirt of my chic but quirky dress that could only have been bought in a cobbled lane off the Boulevard Saint-Germain. As I arrive Alex is standing beside the river holding a handful of freshly picked poppies .

by the end of the novel, I'm totally in love with this Quirky young lady, her friends, and her joie de vivre!