
Monday, June 19, 2017

Paris in July ... an addiction

Here's the thing... recently I haven't been very engaged in the blogging space, and I feel that blogging connections are harder and harder to maintain and develop in the days of rapidly changing social media behaviours.... however, I know I have a small collection of lovely and loyal blogging friends, and I value those connections.

For the past 10 years, I have been hosting or co hosting the annual blogging event known as "Paris in July "... its something that I secretly love and cherish in my blogging life.. but motivation to promise to lead it again is challenged by the other priorities in my life, my realisation that I don't have many active followers anymore, and my partners of the past are not in this space anymore... so I have been actively trying not to do this post.... trying not to put this out there... trying not to say it.... but I cant hold back.... I am an addict.

I truly am.....

I am going to do my own version of Paris in July this year.. you may join me, or just follow... I am going to commit to posting during July on my French connections... books I read, movies I watch, movies I love, Food I adore, and what ever else I can find that brings Paris into my wintery Aussie life. I would love your company, but its not expected... so I will try & get the mr linky thing back working, or we will just use comments to link to each others posts.

So here's to Paris in July....


  1. Yes! Paris in July! I was hoping you would post something about it for this year - hurrah! I love the idea of just posting our French connections and using links and commenting on each others' blogs. Sounds great to me! I can't wait to read all the posts :) I'm so looking forward to this - thanks, Tamara!!

  2. I adore Paris in July but I always have a hard time visiting and commenting because I spend July in the Land of Limited Internet. You can bet I will be visiting you, though -- and who knows, maybe posting something myself!

  3. A low key, no fuss trip to Paris in July sounds like just what I need Tamara. Thanks!

    I understand completely about struggling to engage with the blogging space at the moment. But I can't tell you how much it cheered my dull, grey June morning seeing your Paris post pop up :-)

    So there must be something still going on...for both us re this blogging life....

  4. Count me in! I'm planning to start with a post on a great history of the Ritz.

  5. You guys are addicts too.. this will be fun even if low key...

  6. Everything about blogging has been low key for me lately... I certainly hope to spend some virtual time in Paris this summer!

  7. I'm so glad you are going ahead with this. I can't believe it is now 10 years ago that we started this adventure together! I'm looking forward (as always) to hearing about your French connections. I will definitely try to do a bit of French themed reading or movie watching through July... xx

  8. You are generous to share your Paris love with us. I look forward to your posts, and I for one will try to find inspiration to write about my lifelong experiences with the City of Light!

    best... mae at

  9. Whew! I was so afraid that you were going to say...well, let's not go there. Happily, you will continue to share Paris in July with all of us who eagerly await the middle of the year for that very reason. Thank you, thank you!

  10. Thank you from me too! I just found the book I want to read.

  11. Another fan that's delighted to find you continuing the anticipation! I have continued to check your blog for signs of a 2017 version whilst being low key online myself. I'm thrilled to find these responses and look forward to sharing the books I've been collecting for Paris in July 2017.

    Thank You!

  12. I've been low-key lately too, but I have a couple of books lined up.

  13. Looking forward to it with you and the others! Things may have changed in the frquencybwith which we blog, but there are some things (like this) which are foundational.
