
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Change and Constant

 Rhubarb, Spinach, Mustard Leaves, Kale  & Banksia lower
 Lettuce, Leeks, Strawberries & Beets
 Mandarin Blossom
 Strawberry, Kale and Spinach Bouquet

Hugely Grateful to Becs, because her mentorship and garden advice has made gardening this season rewarding and I feel invigorated because the garden  in. Becs offered some gardening advice earlier this year, just when I was needing to give the garden a thorough re-start. As we head into spring, the garden is now brimming with yummy stuff. Sometime soon, we need to get chooks - cos Kale & egg muffins have been a fairly constant meal round here recently.  The above bouquet was my innovative strategy to get the strawberries inside without bruising them. If I leave them on the side until I get a basket, one  little four legged garden helper thinks they're for her!

I recently posted that my intent is to be travelling in the next 2 months - hopefully to visit the girls I support in India. It seems however there may be a hiccup to my plans - so while I wait [patiently] for word on paperwork, I am taking time to rest in the moment - see hope around me. When a friend asked me recently about how my plans were going, I responded that when I am still, and calm, and rest in the knowledge that there is a divine purpose in my being ready to leave - I am OK - BUT when I am not that person, I am frustrated because I am not in control - so it's time to just rest in the present.

View from my friends place.... enjoyed a BBQ here last week


  1. That bouquet looks delicious! So happy the garden is rewarding you for your care xx

  2. Your garden looks divine! I might need you to come and help me get started... I hope the India plans fall into place very, very soon...
