
Friday, June 26, 2015

Buttons for Paris in July - Winners

After announcing my intention to host Paris in July 6, I then launched the Buttons competition - and it's a pretty impressive line up. Thank you to everyone who joined in. Here are the entries.......

Deb Nance from Readerbuzz
Lavender in France
Lunch in Paris
Romance under the Tower
Memories from the Louvre
Faith Hope Cherrytea
La joie de vivre!
Long Days in Paris
We Love Books
We Love Books (Red)
Lisbeth from The Content Reader
Summer Perfume
Secret Cafe

Jeanie from The Marmelade Gypsie (who didnt really enter but I entered her art)

Jeanie's Art

My Choice of Winners!

So I've taken the liberty to name each entry, I do hope the artists are not offended.

First Place:             Summer Perfume! 
Second Place:         Jeanie's Art
Third Place:            Memories from the Louvre

Lisbeth - email me your postal address and I'll send you a little gift!

Use the Buttons

I think the winning button should be used on the participating in Paris in July 6 Blogs - but I also think there are so many wonderful options - it'd be lovely to see them all used during the month.

What do you think of these options? Which one captures your Paris in July hopes? Is there one that really captures your love of Paris? drop us a line.....

Dont forget to sign in over here... if you haven't yet joined in for this years Paris in July!


  1. I really wanted to say a HUGE Thank you to the women who entered the competition. I actually love all the buttons and will find it hard to use one over the other. You have all captured one (or several) critical elements of the essence of Paris in July. Thanks

  2. Tamara, thanks for including me in the submitters! I was so out of time and at sea over the past couple of weeks! Unnecessary but delightful! I'm busy getting my post ready for July 1! Can it be so soon? I love every single entry and am eager to visit all their fun posts this season!

    Are you ready for The Tour?!

  3. Thank you sooo much! What a nice surprice. I thought all of the buttons were very nice, so it is a big honour. Looking forward to a month of Paris from a lot of different angles.

  4. Love these buttons and what fun to have so many to choose from. I'm going with the pink balloons in front of the Eiffel Tower.
