
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

in the here and now

 Motivated by a lovely blogger who reminded me about sitting in the present, instead of sitting on the sofa and surfing the net for random inspiration, I went for a walk last night. I looked around me and found beautiful living things, and places. I absorbed that moment, rested in it, and wondered further.

I wish you all a beautiful week, and a chance to rest in the moment..... where ever you are.


  1. Indeed, you do have such beauty in your here and now (which looks like my then and was -- or about six months ago. We're entering the hibernation season, at least for those of us who steer clear of the snow and ice. No snow today but lots of cold. I'll take your hydrangeas any day!

  2. Thank you for a timely reminder - things get a little hectic this close to Christmas
