
Friday, May 27, 2011

May's Gardening Report

Mandarins living in an old wine barrel.

It's very exciting to see so many joining us for our Paris in July event (if you haven't signed up yet -now's the time!), and it's pretty exciting preparing for my real trip to Paris. One of my preparatory duties is to get the garden ready for it's winter hibernation. Last weekend I was in my element, harvesting, weeding, pruning, and planting. I thought I would share with you some of my successes in the garden.

I successfully harvested:- beans, bok choy, lemons, artichokes, leeks, brocoli, sweet potatoe, gooseberries, guava's and rubharb

I planted: - onions, lettuce seedlings, more brocoli, leeks and radishes.

I prunned:- stuff that was bothering me.

The Loofa vine has decided to keep on producing. I thought that when I got two loofa's off it about a month ago that it would be the end of it, but there's more. I've been told you can eat loofa's when their young, but I tried some at different ages and decided they're better as loofa's for scrubbing with. I guess now I'll have a supply of sponges for a while now..
The radishes have come up and are looking good this season.

I harvested over 2 kg's of Jerusalem Artichokes. They are root vegetables that look like Ginger but taste like nutty potatoes. This is my first season and I think I'll try them again next year. I've been enjoying them in soups, salads and risottos this week.
This is a Chinese Gooseberry on the bush. These are self seeding in my garden now and I literally didn't have to do anything. I love these little surprises in my garden. These fruit are my treats for working in the garden. When they're ripe they taste like sweet little tomatoes with a hint of crispy citrus.
This is the little Gooseberry package just waiting for me to find it and open it.

I hope you have enjoyed this little visit to my productive garden. From here on in, I think it'll be slow going in the garden, it's winter and I'm going to France!!!

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