
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Madame Bovary - Updates

Frances from Nonsuch Books has been hosting a read-a-long during October, and this past week saw the final reviews get posted. Well, all but mine, I guess.

I've been following the posts of many bloggers, and it's because of those reviews and comments, that I've decided to take my time with MB. I've been blown away by the depth of the reviews, some of the analysis has been as powerful as the text. I really want to get the most out of reading this classic, so I'm not going to rush through it. I'm going to be pretty busy the next two weeks so I'm going to put up MB and return to Murakami for my travel reading.

I promise to return to MB after Nov 12..


  1. My final review isn't posted either. In fact, I'm just nearing the end of Part II and surprised at how much more enjoyable it is this time. I've slowed down to savor every page. Glad someone else is lagging behind with me!

  2. I haven't started it either T. I got the book so late that I have decided to put off starting it until I can devote some real reading time to it.

  3. I am encouraged to know you're both with me. JoAnn, I too would prefer to enjoy the journey rather than miss stuff. Karen, I think you'll enjoy it more when you get to it. Thanks
