
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday Fillins #195

Tibetan Prayer Flags, Kathmandu, Nepal

1. Wow, it's my Grandmothers 91st birthday this week.
2. She's funny, generous and beautiful.
3. My favorite way to start a day is walking.
4. We decided to make soup with whatever was in the garden and he walked in the door holding a pumpkin.
5. I look out my window and see Saturday, blue skies, wind in the tree's, bee's in the blossom, the vegi's have gone to seed and the lawn needs mowing.
6. The completeness of the permaculture system and the decisions we make about what we eat - that is what I've been thinking about lately.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to cuddles with my dog, tomorrow my plans include seeing my french friends to discuss l'etranger at the Moroccan Cafe, and Sunday, I want to garden.

For more - see Friday Fillins


  1. Oh, how fun! Wish your grandma a BIG happy birthday from the blogosphere! And have a marvelous weekend -- sure looks like there's fun in store!

  2. 91st birthday! Wow! Tell her happy birthday from your bloggy friends. :)

  3. Your weekend sounds delightful-enjoy!

  4. Hi Tamara... just looked through my window and, apart from the seeding vegies, it looks like yours sounds. The "lawn" is long enough to get lost in. Have you been drowning in rain too? Its Sunday and I've just come in from planting cuttings from a friends garden, and dead-heading a really early rose, and trying not to annoy the hundreds of bees in my lavender hedges. Love weekends!!
