
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Reading

Besides being a little busy bee in the garden, I've given myself some time for reading pleasures. Firstly I have enjoyed catching up on blogs and book reviews. Then I have progressed some of my current books.

I'm currently reading 3 different books, all of different materials. I'm reading a little bit each day of the Good Life (previously blogged about), simultaneously I'm plodding through the months in the UN Peacekeepers book "Emergency Sex". I've also started Keri Hulmes "Stonefish" which is a little weird, but no weirder than the Murakami novels. I've previously read her novel "the Bone People" and really enjoyed it (as part of bookclub) - Stonefish won the Booker Prize, so I'm pretty keen to continue with it.

In my blogging though, I've been tempted by the following books.


  1. Do you have the Dragon from Trelian? If not, I'd be glad to send it to you, just let me know:

  2. DB No I dont have it, and I'd be delighted if you would send it. I'll email soon.

  3. I'm so pleased you are tempted to read Out - it is an amzing book. I hope you get your hands on a copy and I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

    I really want to read The Elegance of the Hedgehog too!

  4. I have now added Farm City to my wishlist - it's dangerous coming here as I always seem to find another gardening/farming title to add to my list :-)
