
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Les Plaisires du Jardin

This tea cup and saucer was a 'just because' gift from my friend Sarah, who knows how much I enjoy my garden, french things and Tea Cups... Thanks Sarah.

I know I don't have many followers who garden Banana's, but I am very proud of this bunch. It seems like very slow progress but they are still growing. I think my November blog provides a good measuring stick, back when it was just the flower.

Pepper is my oldest, she's an Australian Blue Health Cattle Dog cross with Boarder Collie, and she's appearing today to welcome Pyewackett, who has joined Max at La Ferme De Sourou. While my Pepper doesn't last long at 'work' these days, looks like Pyewackett and Max will be a great pair of working dogs.


  1. Beautiful new tea cup! I really need to get around to organising and posting about some of mine.

  2. Another tea cup fanatic here! That is a lovely gift to have received.
