
Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Book..

Maria's front door, France

This meme is from BookBath, I liked it so I'm doing it too..

One book you're currently reading:
Medieval writings on female spirituality. Elizabeth Spearing, Ed, 2002
One book that changed your life:
Strong women stay slim by Mirriam E Nelson
One book that you would want on a deserted island:
My journal
One book you've read more than once:
Holy Cow, an Indian Adventure by Sarah Macdonald
One book you've never been able to finish:
The Bible
One book that made you laugh:
You gotta have balls by Lilly Brett
One book you keep rereading:
The New Diary by Tristine Rainer
One book you've been meaning to read:
A new kind of Christian by Brian McLaren
One book you believe everyone should read:
The Marsh Birds by Eva Sallis, or/ The Bells of Nagasaki by Takashi Nagai
And finally, get the nearest book, open it to page 56, find the fifth sentence:
We cannot begin to work on ourselves, to live our own lives, feel our own feelings, and solve our own problems until we detach from the object of our obsession. (sorry, but that was the 6th sentence, but it was much more interesting to share) From Codependent No More, Melody Beattie


  1. I Love Holy Cow too! I might have to read that one again soon I think.

  2. Karen, Yes, There's something about India that captures me, (I just went to see slumdog millionaire today), and Sarah Macdonald is one courageous aussie chick. I like her style, perhaps cos is so homegrown. I've also borrowed it on CD before which is a great laugh to listen to in the car. If you get to reread it - enjoy (but from what I can tell your list is already pretty long!).

  3. Hi Tamara - did you like Slumdog Millionaire??

  4. I love Lily Brett. Did you read Too Many Men? Though, I don't think that one made me laugh too much ;-)
