
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I cant believe its 2017 (and soon to be February) ... how did that happen? 

These Parsley Flowers are my New Years icon. They are a representation of my summer garden. I know it's the turning of summer when the parsley flowers. They then symbolise the changing seasons in my life, as I stop and start reflecting on the new year. I have much to reflect on... health, study, career, relationships & learning better to live in the now....

I have wondered alot about how much I want to put here in my blog space about my big year ahead, but I came to the conclusion it's a pretty big thing, and I think it may affect my blog alot. So...

After a 12-18 month journey through lots of pain, and a myriad of therapuetic options, I'm now 3 weeks away from a hip replacement.. and I simply can't wait. So I apologize in advance for some absences...

After recovering from that, I have plans to return to study & so much more....

Very soon I'll be posting my reviews for the Japanese Literature Challenge- 3 book reviews to add and some podcasts. I will also post my review of january's summer activities, cos I really had a great time, despite managing pain.

I leave you with this image of the hopping mouse figurine from my girlfiends backyard... it reminds me to be cheeky!